July 2021 - Example PUD Commissioner Letter

 07/06/2021 -  WCCBP -  ~1 Minute

I live near Brinnon in PUD District 3, where we don’t have any affordable or reliable broadband. Many of us can’t get service at all. We’ve heard from the West Canal Community Broadband group that the PUD is planning a broadband network, but they aren’t adding service in the south county.

We’ve always been ignored by the large companies. We’re too small to bother. That’s why we have to drive to empty parking lots to borrow WiFi or pay hundreds for bad satellite service if we can afford it.

We need affordable, reliable, broadband that works when it’s raining or when the trees block satellite and cell signal. We need you to prioritize service for us rather than building networks to compete directly with Wave or Centurylink.

Please don’t ignore us again!